Flowing In Ceaseless Prayer
Prayer is one of the most frequent activities of men of all races, backgrounds, social classes and religion. Prayer is part of man’s life whether he is aware of it or not. And most interestingly prayer is not be divorced from the affairs of man. Even in our national assemblies, prayers are made in form of bills and reading.
We are wired to pray because prayer has the capacity to provoke the interference and invention of the spiritual realm in our daily natural and physical life.
As believers, Christ Jesus taught us various forms of prayer and one of such prayer is that persistent or continual prayers. He taught on this when He gave a parable illustrating how “men ought always to pray and not to faint” (Luke 18:1). In the parable, He made us to understand that there would be a time that we would need to pray “day and night” on a particular issue before we would get the answer. This means, not every prayer would receive answer at the instant. This continual prayer is not because God is not hearing us, but because we need to persist on issues until we gain victory.
In the Epistles, we are told by the Holy Spirit to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17), continue in prayer (Col. 4:2), and to pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit (Eph. 6:18). The reason for such admonition for continual prayer is because prayer is the vital tool we need to effect the authority of Christ over the issues of our lives. Prayer is what we need to establish the kingdom and will of heaven here on earth. Prayer is what we need to put the activities under check. Prayer helps us equip ourselves with the power of the Lord in exercising dominion on the earth. Just as the fire is not supposed to go out of the altar under the old covenant (Lev. 6:12-13), so also our fire of prayer is not supposed to go off, we are required to remain fervent in prayer.
While there is a demand for ceaseless prayer, we must understand that we cannot carry out the task of prayer in the alms of flesh. Scripture tells us that “by strength shall no man prevail” (1 Sam. 2:9). Therefore, we need energy that is from above and beyond us in order to keep the flow of ceaseless prayer in our lives.
The energy we need to maintain the flow of ceaseless prayer is the Spirit of prayer. To enable us in prayers effortlessly and continuously, the Lord promised to pour upon us the Spirit of grace and supplication (prayer).
In Zechariah 12:10, we are told “And I will pour upon the house of David, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and supplications”. This Spirit of grace gives the required Grace to stay in the place of prayer and engage heaven over our affairs in the place of prayer. This is the same Spirit that came upon the disciples on the day of Pentecost which sat upon each of them as a cloven tongue as of fire, and gave them utterance (Acts 2:1-4). The cloven tongue as of fire created in them the passion for continual prayer lifestyle and the utterance was the language with which they prayed the enemy could not understand.
In this present day were the love of many is waxing cold and many are drifting away from the faith we all need a fresh release of this unction from the Holy Spirit in order to remain fervent and tireless in the place of prayer.
We can flow in ceaseless prayers. Your prayer life will not go down in Jesus’ precious name.
Wisdom Emamuzo Peter